

  • Acácio M, Gahm K, Anglister N, Vaadia G, Hatzofe O, Harel R, Efrat R, Nathan R, Pinter-Wollman N & Spiegel O (2024) Behavioural plasticity shapes population aging patterns in a long-lived avian scavenger. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 121(35): e2407298121.
  • Gahm K, Nguyen R, Acácio M, Anglister A, Vaadia G, Spiegel O & Pinter-Wollman N (2024) A wrap-around movement path randomization method to distinguish social and spatial drivers of animal interactions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379: 20220531.
  • Serratosa J, Oppel S, Rotics S, Santangeli A, …, Acácio M, …, & Jones VR (2024) Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale. Biological Conservation, 293: 110525.
  • Anglister N, Acácio M, Vaadia G, Arnon E, Bruer M, Hatzofe O, Miller Y, King R, Pinter-Wollman N & Spiegel O (2024) Extreme temperatures impede the release success of captive-bred avian scavengers. bioRxiv, Preprint.
  • Andrade P, Franco AMA, Acácio M, Afonso S, Marques CI, Moreira F, Carneiro M & Catry I (2024) Mechanisms underlying the loss of migratory behaviour in a long-lived bird. bioRxiv, Preprint.
  • D’Bastiani E, Anglister N, Lysnyansky I, Mikula I, Acácio M, Vaadia G, Gahm K, Spiegel O & Pinter-Wollman N (2024) Social interactions do not affect mycoplasma infection in griffon vultures. EcoEvoRxiv, Preprint.
  • Anglister N, Crafton MM, Avraham O, Acácio M, Vaadia M, Hatzofe O, Miller Y, Mikula I, Pinter-Wollman N, Lysnyansky I & Spiegel O (2024) Factors affecting the individual probability of infection with a prevalent pathogen (Mycoplasma) and the effect on Griffon vultures’ movement behavior. bioRxiv, Preprint.


  • Acácio M, Anglister N, Vaadia G, Harel R, Nathan R, Hatzofe O & Spiegel O. (2023) A lifetime track of a griffon vulture: the moving story of Rehovot (Y64). Ecology, 104 (4): e3985.
  • Marcelino J, Franco AMA, Acácio M, Soriano-Redondo A, Moreira F & Catry I. (2023) Anthropogenic food subsidies reshape the migratory behaviour of a long-distance migrant. Science of the Total Environment, 858 (3): 159992.
  • Soriano‐Redondo A, Franco AMA, Acácio M, Payo‐Payo A, Martins BH, Moreira F, Catry I. (2023) Fitness, behavioral, and energetic trade‐offs of different migratory strategies in a partially migratory species. Ecology, 104 (10): e4151.


  • Acácio M, Catry I, Soriano-Redondo A, Silva JP, Atkinson PW & Franco AMA. (2022) Timing is critical: consequences of asynchronous migration for the performance and destination of a long-distance migrant. Movement Ecology, 10 (1): 1-16.
  • Acácio M, Atkinson PW, Silva JP & Franco AMA. (2022) Performance of GPS/GPRS tracking devices improves with increased fix interval and is not affected by animal deployment. PLOS One, 17 (3): e0265541.
  • Gauld JG, Silva JP, Atkinson PW, Record P, Acácio M, (…), Franco AMA. (2022) Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59(6): 1496-1512.


  • Acácio M, Mullers REM, Franco AMA, Willems F & Amar A. (2021) Changes in surface water drive the movements of Shoebills. Scientific Reports, 11 (1): 1-12.
  • Marcelino J, Moreira F, Franco AMA, Soriano-Redondo A, Acácio M, Gauld JG, Castro Rego F, Silva JP & Catry I. (2021) Flight altitudes of a soaring bird suggest landfill sites as power line collision hotspots. Journal of Environmental Management, 294: 113149.
  • Soriano-Redondo A, Franco AMA, Acácio M, Martins BH, Moreira F & Catry I. (2021) Flying the extra mile pays-off: foraging on anthropogenic waste as a time and energy-saving strategy in a generalist bird. Science of the Total Environment, 782: 146843.


  • Soriano-Redondo A, Acácio M, Franco AMA, Martins BM, Moreira F, Rogerson K & Catry I. (2020) Testing alternative methods for estimation of bird migration phenology from GPS tracking data. Ibis, 162:581-588.


  • Rocha, R, López-Baucells A, Farneda FZ, Ferreira DF, Silva I, Acácio M, Palmeirim JM & Meyer CFJ. (2019) Second-growth and small forest clearings have little effect on the temporal activity patterns of Amazonian phyllostomid bats. Current Zoology, 0: 1-9.
  • Leal AI, Acácio M, Meyer CFJ, Rainho A & Palmeirim JM. (2019) Grazing improves habitat suitability for many ground-foraging birds in Mediterranean wooded grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 270–271: 1-8.


  • Bader E, Acácio M & Monadjem A. (2016) The importance of water bodies for insectivorous bats in a Malagasy dry deciduous forest: A case example from Kirindy (CNFEREF). Malagasy Nature, 9: 88-96. pdf


  • Acácio M. (2012) Influência do pastoreio nas aves do montado. MSc Thesis. pdf

Grants & Awards


  • MOPGA Postdoctoral Fellowhip (30,500€) – Effects of anthropogenic food subsidies on the health and movements of opportunistic avian species: a One Health approach.
  • Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellowship (72,000€) – Individual drivers and energetic costs of partial migration under future climate change scenarios.


  • BOU Member Conference Attendance Grant to attend the European Ornithologists’ Union Conference (£700).
  • Best poster (2nd place) at the Gordon Research Conference on Movement Ecology of Animals ($250) – Ageing in nature: lifelong movement and social behaviour of griffon vultures.


  • George S. Wise Postdoctoral FellowshipAgeing in nature: lifelong changes in the movement and social behavior of the endangered Griffon Vulture.
  • Large Grant – British Ecological Society (£20,000) – Consequences of early-life conditions on first-year migratory decisions of a partially migratory species.


  • Best oral communication at the Portuguese Ecological Society Conference – The influence of weather on the migratory performance of juvenile and adult white storks. Link to the presentation.


  • Christiane Howey Rising Scholar Award, Microwave Telemetry ($25,000) – Latitudinal differences in migratory behaviour of juvenile black storks from a partial migratory population.
  • NEXUSS Capital Programme (£25,000) – The environmental determinants of dispersal and migratory behaviour of long-lived birds.
  • Newton Fund Research Placement Grant – The environmental determinants of dispersal and migratory behaviour of long-lived birds. University of East Anglia and University of Cape Town.


  • Leonardo da Vinci EU Grant (6 months placement) – Study of the migration of Lesser Black-backed Gulls.


  • Travel Grant – British Ecological Society (£200) – attend Tropical Biology Association course in Madagascar.

Other scientific contributions



  • Marta Acácio et al – Oral communication: Ageing in nature: lifelong changes in the movement and social behaviour of griffon vultures. XI Portuguese Conference of Ornithology / II Conference of Macaronesia, Portugal.
  • Marta Acácio et al – Oral communication: Ageing in nature: lifelong changes in the movement and social behaviour of griffon vultures. European Vulture Conference (Vulture Conservation Foundation), Spain.
  • Marta Acácio et al – Oral communication: Ageing in nature: lifelong changes in the movement and social behaviour of griffon vultures. European Ornithologists’ Union Conference, Sweden.
  • Marta Acácio et al – Speed oral communication (invited) and Poster: Ageing in nature: lifelong changes in the movement and social behaviour of griffon vultures. Movement ecology of animals, Gordon Research Conference, Italy.
  • Marta Acácio et al – Poster: Ageing in nature: lifelong changes in the movement and social behaviour of griffon vultures. Theory and Hypothesis-Testing in Movement Ecology, Gordon Research Seminars, Italy.
  • Marta Acácio – Invited seminar speaker: Using long-term tracking data to study behavioural plasticity in birds. Tel Aviv University, Israel – cancelled (due to war).
  • Marta Acácio – Invited seminar speaker: Using long-term tracking data to study behavioural plasticity in birds. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel – cancelled (due to war).
  • Inês Catry et al – Oral communication: A cegonha-branca (Ciconia ciconia) vai deixar de migrar? Análise da alteração do comportamento migratório numa espécie com grande longevidade. XI Portuguese Conference of Ornithology / II Conference of Macaronesia, Portugal.
  • Aldina Franco et al – Poster: New long-distance migratory routes of the recently reintroduced UK white storks. British Ornithologists’ Union Global Flyways Conference (online).
  • Gideon Vaadia et al – Oral communication: Accelerometer-based remote classification of Griffon Vulture behavior as a conservation tool. European Vulture Conference (Vulture Conservation Foundation), Spain.
  • Nili Anglister et al – Oral communication: The effect of extreme weather conditions on the survival of translocated Griffon Vultures in a desert climate in Israel. European Vulture Conference (Vulture Conservation Foundation), Spain.
  • Andrea Soriano-Redondo et al – Poster: Fitness, behavioral, and energetic trade-offs of different migratory strategies in a partially migratory species. XVIII Congreso Nacional y XV Iberoamericano de Etología y Ecología Evolutiva, Spain.
  • Tovale Solomon et al – Poster: Comparing factors affecting individuality in movement across avian species. Movement ecology of animals, Gordon Research Conference, Italy.
  • Kaija Gahm et al – Oral communication: Movement behavior predicts social position across behavioral situations in an avian scavenger. Animal Behavior Society Conference, United States of America.


  • Marta Acácio et al – Oral communication (accepted): Developmental plasticity drives the loss of migratory behaviour in white storks. European Ornithologists Union Conference – cancelled (COVID-19)
  • Marta Acácio et al – Oral communication: Ageing in nature: lifelong changes in the movement behavior of the endangered Griffon Vulture. Zoology School student’s conference, Israel


  • Marta Acácio et al – Oral communication : Timing of migration influences the performance and destination of a long-distance migrant. 7th Bio-Logging Symposium, United States of America (online)
  • Marta Acácio et al – Twitter presentation: Surfing the blue wave: changes in surface water drive the movements of Shoebills. University of East Anglia Rebellion Conference, United Kingdom (online)


  • Marta Acácio et al – Oral communication: The influence of weather on the migratory performance of juvenile and adult white storks. British Ecological Society, Festival of Ecology, United Kingdom (online)
  • Marta Acácio et al – Oral communication : The influence of weather on the migratory performance of juvenile and adult white storks. Portuguese Ecological Society Conference, Portugal (online)
  • Andrea Soriano-Redondo et al – Oral communication: Flying the extra mile pays-off: foraging on anthropogenic waste as a time and energy-saving strategy in a generalist bird. British Ecological Society, Festival of Ecology, United Kingdom (online)
  • Bruno Herlander Martins et al – Poster presentation: Alterações do comportamento migratório da Cegonha Branca (Ciconia ciconia) em Portugal. Portuguese Ecological Society Conference, Portugal (online)


  • Marta Acácio et al – Poster presentation: Influence of weather conditions on the migration performance of juvenile white storks (Ciconia ciconia). British Ornithologists Union Annual Conference, United Kingdom
  • Marta Acácio et al Poster presentation: Influence of weather conditions on the migration performance of juvenile white storks (Ciconia ciconia). Congress Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA), Portugal
  • Inês Catry et al – Poster presentation: Human food waste and recent changes on migratory behaviour of white-storks (Ciconia ciconia): towards the end of migration? British Ornithologists Union Annual Conference, United Kingdom
  • Ana Isabel Leal et al – Oral communication: Does grazing affect ground-foraging birds in Mediterranean agroforestry systems? 15th European Ecological Federation Congress, Portugal


  • Marta Acácio et al – Invited seminar speaker: The determinants of dispersal and migratory movement of long-lived birds. FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Marta Acácio et al – Poster presentation: Quantifying the 3-dimensional accuracy of a novel GPS/GSM tracking device. 3rd International Congress on Bird Migration and Global Change, Spain


  • Marta Acácio et al – Poster presentation: Flyway-50: a new GPS/GPRS logger by Movetech Telemetry. 6th International Bio-Logging Symposium, Germany


  • Marta Acácio et al – Poster presentation: Ametrida centurio: Small bat, big traveller? 4th International Berlin Bat Meeting: Movement Ecology of Bats, Germany


  • Marta Acácio et al – Poster presentation: Influence of grazing intensity on foraging opportunities for birds in managed cork and holm oak woodlands. European Ornithologists’ Union Conference, United Kingdom
  • Marta Acácio et al – Poster presentation: Influence of grazing intensity on foraging opportunities for birds in Montados. ICAAM International Conference: Acknowledging the Montados and Dehesas as High Nature Value Farming Systems, Portugal
  • Paula Lopes et al – Poster presentation: Importance of the vegetation associated with rock outcrops for Montado birds. ICAAM International Conference: Acknowledging the Montados and Dehesas as High Nature Value Farming Systems, Portugal


  • Marta Acácio et al – Oral communication: Influence of grazing intensity on foraging opportunities for birds in managed cork and holm oak woodlands. XXI Congreso Español y V Ibérico de Ornitología, Spain