

  • News article in YNet: Like humans: in old age, griffon vultures also “prefer to” stay at home. Read it here.
  • Interview for the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development: Marta Acácio: Reducing human waste is protecting the health of animals and humans. Read it here.
  • Podcast interview A viagem do maçarico: Ep. 127 | Marta Acácio e os projectos Birds on the Move e EUFLYNET. Listen to the podcast here.
  • News Article in National Geographic Portugal: Cegonhas-pretas ou as primas tímidas. Read it here.
  • Science communication activity at a primary school: When I grow up, I want to be a Biologist! in Escola Básica Frei André da Veiga, in Santiago do Cacém, Portugal.


  • British Ornithologists’ Union Blog post: Who has a voice at scientific conferences? Gender equality during the 2023 European Ornithologists’ Union conference. Read it here (in english).
  • Participation in nature documentary: Cegonha-branca: entre a igreja e o penhasco, by Pedro Miguel Ferreira and Joaquim Pedro Ferreira for RTP1. See the trailer here.


  • British Ornithologists’ Union Blog post: Surfing the blue wave: Do changes in surface water drive the movement of Shoebills? Read it here (in english).
  • Two presentations at Sagres Birdwatching Festival: Do White Storks still migrate? and A year in the life of a Black Stork.
  • Interview for Visão Verde: Os aterros sanitários e os invernos mais amenos fazem com que as cegonhas sejam residentes em Portugal o ano todo. Listen to the podcast here, see the video here, or read the full article here (in portuguese).
  • Participation in BioBlitz Tapada da Ajuda – leader of a nocturnal bird’s guided tour and part of the bird ringing team.
  • Participation in nature documentary: Quand passent les oiseaux (Einhimmel voller vögel), by Thierry Ragobert for ARTE. See the trailer here.


  • News article in Wilder: Cinco curiosidades sobre a migração das cegonhas portuguesas. Read it here (in portuguese).
  • News article in Wilder: Duas cegonhas-pretas juvenis marcadas no Douro Internacional. Read it here (in portuguese).
  • Presentation at Sagres Birdwatching Festival: Do White Storks still migrate?



  • News article in Le Figaro: Ces cigognes que ne migrent plus. Read it here (in french).
  • Stand in the Norwich Science Festival: Fly – The Bird Migration Game


  • Participation in nature documentary: Morcegos – entre o mistério e a ciência, by Luísa Rodrigues, Bruno Pinto and Manuel Anselmo Assunção. See the trailer here.